RLM License Activation Sample Web Page

This web page is an example you can use to create your own activation page on your website, instead of using the generic RLM web server. This can be done in place of, or in addition to the rlm_act_request() call inside your application.

This web page uses the standard RLM license generator ISV_mklic in your cgi-bin directory. In order to use this example for your own use, modify reprise in the form action attribute below to either demo or your ISV name.

Also, if your webserver is running on windows, change ISV_mklic in the form action attribute below to ISV_mklic.exe

Enter the data below and press MAKE LICENSE to fulfill your license from the RLM license generator.

Activation Key:
If this is a floating license, enter the hostid of the license server below, otherwise enter the hostid of the machine to lock the license.
Host ID:
If this is a floating license, enter the number of licenses below, otherwise, leave a 1 in this field.
License Count:
Extra License Parameters:
String to Log:
Hostname for license: